Friday, April 30, 2010

Why it's Good.

Organic foods are becoming more and more popular as people are trying to eat healthier. Organic food is said to be safer and more nutritious than inorganic food. Those are the main reasons why people choose to buy organic food. But another reason is that the process of making it is much better for the environment. According to, it is also kinder to animals.
Buying organic food is a good option because food that is grown organically is not exposed to herbicides and pesticides. Another good thing about organic agriculture is the health of the soil and the ecosystems that livestock and crops are raised in. says that in inorganic foods, synthetic chemicals are applied to the crops and area around them destroy the microbiotic activity activity in the soil. However, organically grown food does not consist of sythetic chemicals, and is therefore better for the land.
Organic food is not only better for the environment, but it's better for you! Everything is grown naturally, and it is a lot safer to eat without all those chemicals. Inorganic meat industries need to mass produce. To do this, they feed livestock chemicals and growth hormones so they get bigger faster. says that this could be the reason that more and more people are becoming obese. It is also possible that the inorganic meat you are buying is not as fresh as you think. There are some meat industries that put carbon monoxide in meat to keep the fresh look, although the meat may not be. Organic food on the other hand, is 100% natural. If it looks fresh, it is.
Whether or not you believe all this about inorganic food is up to you, but you should consider buying organic the next time you go grocery shopping.